Monday, April 5, 2010

VC: Fluoridation, Cell Tower, Econ Sustainability, Cable Advisory Name, Dog Park again?, Winter St. sewer, Swimming Pool fees

Dear People: Happy Spring! Village Council will be meeting on Monday night at 7 pm in Council Chambers, 2nd floor of Bryan Center.

Only 58% of Villagers had returned their census forms as of last Thursday, the deadline. To get the aid and resources we deserve from the federal and state governments, we need you to be counted--and it's 10 easy questions that take only a few minutes to fill out. Census workers will visit your home if you have not yet returned it.


Against) I have received two letters from citizens asking us to stop fluoridating; one is in the packet. For) I have received one letter from a local physician asking us to retain fluoridation--who additionally has a letter with 11 signatures from local health professionals. One other citizen who supports continued fluoridation has spoken to me personally. (Additionally, there are several letters in recent issues of the YS News on both sides of the issue.)
  • My thoughts on this issue are complex and have been evolving. I will be sending them in a separate email.
Jet Noise: A citizen has continued in correspondence with the Springfield-Beckley Airport about the jet noise concerns, and emphasizes that the real noise producers are the Dutch planes.
Parking for Disabled Persons: A citizen wrote expressing concerns about the parking spots in Corry/Dayton St.
Census: A citizen wrote urging people to participate in the Census.
Notice of Conditional Permit Public Hearing: regarding the properties at 102 Dayton Street and 150 Railroad Street, also known as Village Station. A different site plan for this property was previously approved in November of 2006. The plan as currently submitted is identical to that approved in 2006 with the exception of some minor re-routing of utilities. (Electronically, we also received notice of a zoning appeal hearing on a variance allowing for a second story porch at 141 Winter St.)
Dog Park: We received a letter from two citizens and a petition signed by many residents against locating the dog park at Ellis Pond, and I spoke to a citizen concerned about the dog park location, asking that a different spot be considered.
Winter Street Stormwater Problems: 2 letters. See discussion under special presentation.
Legal Opinions: We received two letters from our village solicitor regarding conflicts of interests for Village Council members and Planning Commission members.

  • Economic Sustainability Commission ORDINANCE: Second Reading and Public Hearing. With some reservations, I support establishing this commission, but ask that we revisit it in a year to see if the group is helping meet community needs. (This should be standard practice with all boards/commissions.)
  • Cell Tower Lease with Verizon ORDINANCE: Second Reading and Public Hearing: I support locating this cell tower on the Village property (Bryan Center grounds) and collecting fees from Verizon.
  • Name Change: from "Cable Advisory Panel" to "Community Access Panel" ORDINANCE: First Reading. I support this name change as more accurately reflective of the current role and function of the panel. For one thing, our cable access channel is in danger of being taken from us in the next years, despite our best efforts at resisting this change (allowed by Ohio state law). We hope that by that time we will have the ability to stream and archive our meetings online.
  • Approving the Cessation of Fluoride Supplementation in YS Water: RESOLUTION. I suspect that Council may need more time to hear from the community about this change, so I do not expect this to be the last hearing on this issue. I have written my thoughts about this issue in a separate email, forthcoming, because they are long and complex. I would appreciate your careful thoughts and thoughtful feedback.
III. CITIZENS CONCERNS: I suspect some citizens will come to speak to the Dog Park issue which is not on our agenda. If you have any concerns not on the agenda, remember you can always come and speak to them during this portion of our meeting.

  • Council Goals 4,5,6
  • Winter Street Repair project: We have budgeted $135K to repair the storm sewer system on Winter St. Our planner, Ed Amrhein will explain the project. Ed argues that we can repair this, but suggests it was not a problem created by the Village but by the residents. One Winter St. resident disagrees with Ed, arguing that it's the Village's approach to street repair, etc. that led to the problem, another Winter St. resident agrees with Ed, but thinks that we shouldn't be spending this money: water in the basement is an unavoidable reality in some parts of YS due to geography.
  • Northern Gateway Project: We've talked about this for so long, and many of us have never actually had the plan formally explained to us, so Ed Amrhein will do so, now that funding may come through.
  • Revolving Loan Fund Report: Sharon Potter will explain where this fund is currently so we can decide what to do with it in the future.


  • Liquor License Renewal: John Grote will present this issue. All the liquor licenses in town are up for their annual renewal. Due to my connection to the Emporium, I will recuse myself from the discussion.
  • Swimming Pool Fees and Operations: Last year the pool's revenues were very low, primarily due to cold weather. Mark Cundiff recommends a $5 across the boards increase for all season passes, and photo IDs, a $0.50 increase for teens and seniors single passes (to $3.50, leaving 19-50 yo's at $5.00), and increases for the pool rental.
  • John Davis Affordable Housing Presentation: Judith Hempfling has been working with Marianne MacQueen, director of Home, Inc., on affordable housing. They would like us to pay for the travel expenses--only--of Mr. John Davis, partner and co-founder of Burlington Associates in Community Development, "a national consulting cooperative specializing in the development of ...permanently affordable, owner-occupied housing." ($600 is the total amount being asked). Mr. Davis would present to Council and engage community leaders in a discussion of policy approaches to affordable housing.
So far as I can tell, we don't have an executive session planned.

IT'S APRIL, NATIONAL POETRY MONTH: So, my favorite April poem:

Spring, by Edna St. Vincent Millay

To what purpose, April, do you return again?
Beauty is not enough.
You can no longer quiet me with the redness
Of little leaves opening stickily.
I know what I know.
The sun is hot on my neck as I observe
The spikes of the crocus.
The smell of the earth is good.
It is apparent that there is no death.
But what does that signify?
Not only under ground are the brains of men
Eaten by maggots.
Life in itself
Is nothing,
An empty cup, a flight of uncarpeted stairs.
It is not enough that yearly, down this hill,
Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.



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