Dear People! The big ash trees in front of the funeral home on Xenia Ave have been so beautiful this week, all yellowy purple...We need to love these trees, with our eyes, while we have them, since it's quite likely they will all be dead within a few years due to the emerald ash borer. (Puts me in mind of a Shakespeare sonnet about life and love and death, which I've quoted at the end of this email).
But on to more prosaic tasks: Village Council this Monday night, Visioning starts next week--click here for times and locations! (Monday 26th in Clifton, Tues & Wed at various times and places around YS), and a School Board Candidates' Forum, at the Presbyterian Church (sponsored by the Non-Stop Institute), next Sunday 2-4 pm.
(I have had word that the Men's Group may be sponsoring a forum for all candidates on Oct. 29th, but have not confirmed that yet.)
- ORDINANCE: Budget re-appropriations, as an emergency. It looks like we've used less money on our streets than budgeted ($-104.3K variance), and considerably more on our electric fund ($250K variance). Sharon Potter should be on hand, with our manager, to explain these changes.
- RESOLUTION: Wheeling Gaunt Flour and Sugar Distribution to YS Widows: An easy vote! Lovely YS tradition dating back to the bequest of a former slave, supporting widows. If you know any new widows in town, be sure to let the village know!
- RESOLUTION: In support of Mental Health Levy (Issue #5.) No new taxes! These services, for mental health support, suicide prevention, and drug/alcohol addiction, are vital--and more necessary than ever during tough financial times.
- RESOLUTION: In support of Greene County Council on Aging (Issue #6): Again, this replaces (with a slight increase) a current grant. It is critical for our village services to seniors.
- RESOLUTION: NatureWorks Grant with Glen. We agreed some time ago to serve as the conduit for a grant (which required a government agency to officially apply for, receive and administer the funds) from the Ohio Dept of Natural Resources, to Glen Helen to make needed improvements to the Trailside Museum (water lines, etc.). This resolution authorizes our Village Mgr. to sign documents andfacilitate the funds transfer.
- A discussion with Community Resources about a joint meeting / facilitated discussion.
- The possibility of an Economic Sustainability Board, as Judith has advocated (see earlier discussions on my website:
- HRC plan to develop a website. (Additionally, I would point out that there was a letter from HRC member Don Wallis in our packet urging us to form a citizen's committee to look at the possiblity of making short street into a pedestrian mall. Thoughts?)
- We have two new hydroelectric projects to consider participating in, through our co-op energy provider, AMP. Meldahl and Greenup Projects--one to be created on an existing lock and dam on the Ohio River (Meldahl), and one owned and operated by the City of Hamilton Ohio (Greenup)
- Repairs to the clarifier on our Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP): Est. cost of $35-40K. We have those funds in our current budget, and we can't operate the WWTP and meet permit levels without making these repairs.
- King Street Sidewalk Extension: Based on concerns of residents, there's a suggestion of completing about 50 feet of sidewalk on King St., to Dayton, esp. important for the use of school children. Our manager proposesusing some of the unused $ in our street funds to complete this, and then later assessing those costs to the owner, so that the work can be completed. I like the idea, but am not sure how/whether we would be approaching this project differently from other sidewalk projects, so I'll be asking about that.
Don't forget to VISION next week! (Click here to see the locations and times!)
We'll give the bard the last word, however--
William Shakespeare, Sonnet 73
That time of year thou may'st in me behold,
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang,
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see'st the twilight of such day,
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire,
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
Consumed with that which it was nourished by.
This thou perceiv'st which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.